Understanding Server Uptime and Proactive Response with Cloud Monitoring

We monitor your server 24×7 with proactive response to issues. Our staffs are on stand-by to take necessary actions in case your server becomes unresponsive.

Our Cloud Monitoring has global location including US, Europe, Asia and Australia. Your sites and servers are checked by multiple nodes to minimize false positive result.

If your server becomes unresponsive, our technical team ensures that your server gets restarted/rebooted.

By default our monitoring checks your server every minute with with 2 probe servers verification before it sets the alert. The estimated time before alert is 15 minutes.

Server Keeps Crashing:
If your server continuously crashing within a day we will investigate the issue and notify you. The maximum automatic reboot within a day is five(5). If the issue is out of our scope you will need to fix it first. Until then the proactive response is disabled. If the issue is within the network or server, we can automatically fix it and update you for information about the issue.

There are issues beyond our control.

  1. Issue with bandwidth provider/carrier.
  2. You have internet (ISP) issues.
  3. Hardware failure – we automatically replace hardware or transfer your site/files into another machine.
  4. Site/Script issues